I’ve dreamed of tomorrow for years. And years. And years. Since the day in 2001 that I had my Kairos moment I talked about on my last post, my ultimate dream has been to have my work featured in a magazine. I mean I didn’t care if it’s a corner vignette that I styled and my name is tiny in the credits in the very very back of the magazine, I just wanted to be in a magazine. Not me necessarily but my work. An artist, a designer, a stylist… our work is 100% subjective. You either love it or you hate it and in these industries, to be accepted is everything. From the moment I released my first images of Addison’s Wonderland bedding onto social media in July 2011, I held my breath. I started AW because there was nothing else like it anywhere. But at the same time, there was nothing else like it anywhere. So would anyone like it? Would my style be too much? Too colorful? Too full of pattern? Too over the top? To be an artist, to be a designer is to create. And to me, it’s all about originality. Yet to be original is to put yourself out there. And to put yourself out there is subjecting yourself to criticism. And to subject yourself to criticism is terrifying.
I’ve e-mailed, mailed and stalked magazines for years with images, information and links to my bedding company. For years with no avail. I think there’s a bottomless pit for these e-mails that end up in a bin with celebrity stalking and Santa letters. Nonetheless, my efforts hit a dead end. Fast forward past my bedding days and about seven months into my blogging journey and I get an e-mail. Out of nowhere. A regional editor for several amazing home magazines found my home online and wanted “scouting” images. Say wha?!?
Here’s Lisa (on the far right) and I as well as the editor of Atlanta Homes Magazine at an event in Atlanta a couple of months ago…
I then hired an amazing local photographer in September, Paige Ewing Photography, and she took some beautiful images of our home…
Once I got the images back, I sent the Dropbox link over to Lisa and said a couple of quick prayers as I hit send. It was a good little while before I heard back and I had honestly kind of given up on the thought. We had purchased our new home and my mind had moved on to other things. And then in mid-December I got the e-mail. Better Homes and Gardens wanted to feature us and our home in Better Homes & Gardens: “Color Made Easy”. And in that moment I felt accepted. My crazy style, my home full of colors and my love for layering patterns would finally get to meet the world. On the main stage for an interior designer. My “career” heart was full.
Given that we are moving, Lisa was able to speed up the process and our shoot was scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, January 8th. With one week until Christmas and a week long trip scheduled immediately afterwards, I was feeling the pressure. For sure. We got back home last Saturday and immediately got to work taking down our Christmas decorations. And you know how that goes… glitter and greenery EVERYWHERE. It’s been a crazy week to say the least. From packing up the Holidays to cleaning to catching up, let’s just say I am ready for it all to get here. Not to mention the “Photo Order” shared with me on Tuesday by our stylist. I have a stylist. I have always wanted to say that. I have a stylist. Okay I’m done ;-). I’ve always wondered how this process works and as I learned from my Shark Tank days, SO much more goes into all of this than I ever realized. This looong photo order is the coolest and craziest thing I’ve ever read.
So as I share more and more of our lives with you, I thought what better way than to show the chaos before the “magazine ready”. So here’s a peek at our house. Two days before the shoot. Insert wide eyed and gritted teeth emoji. A lovely mix of cleaning and clearing out for our stylist to work her magic…
Yes, as of January 5th our Christmas tree was still up.
And here’s what you do with everything they’ve asked to be removed for the shoot. Yep, shove it in the closet and close the door as quickly as possible.
And finally, our trip unpacking mess.
Yes, it’s been a crazy week. But as of tonight as I type this post, it’s all done. The house is clean. The photo order is complete on my end. And our stylist has brought everything by and started her magic. Bright and early tomorrow morning everyone will arrive to get started and I will be documenting the entire day. So stay tuned!
XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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