Yep, she turned four last month but delayed is the story of my life. I did manage to throw together her party the day of her birthday but my blog posting is a wee bit late! Like over a month. Oops! Last week I shared my “confessions” of life these days and I LOVED reading all of your comments! Gosh you guys know how to make me feel better! So continuing on with the confession train, I am equally behind on life this week. Another load of laundry to the laundromat, I am sitting at Starbucks drinking my usual once again and I somehow managed to schedule a dentist appointment AND a call with Better Homes & Gardens editors BOTH for 9am this morning. Needless to say, the dentist got the boot. Priorities right?!?
In my former life, or maybe my “one kid & no career” life of five years ago, I went over the top for Addison’s birthday parties. Case in point here is Addie’s 3rd birthday party…
So the horrible mommy guilt inside of me decided to quiz Addie (now almost 9) on her memories from these party days. Basically to see if I should consider myself the most unfair mommy in the world or cut myself some slack on my lack of planning for kid #2 (aka Winter). And guess what fellow mommies, she remembered almost nothing. Daddy made you a ticket booth and it was SO cute, do you remember it? He DID?!? We rented a cotton candy machine, do you remember that? Nope! I made you a skirt and a canopy circus ceiling and, and, and… Nope, not a thing.
So for Winter’s fourth, I loaded up my shopping cart in the party supply section and called it a day. She wanted a Peppa Pig birthday party so she adorned the cake. And that is all. And guess what? Winnie loved it! I am now off to order lighting for Our Historic Wonderland so I will make this short and sweet! Here is a peek at Winnie’s 4th on September 1st! Love you guys! XOXO
And I did manage to surprise her the morning of her big day…
Shop Her Room…
How We Did It… The balloons are linked below and I purchased a medium sized helium tank at Target. After she went to bed, Mark and I blew up about 45 balloons and carried them all into her playroom one room over. I was afraid of putting them in her bedroom the night before in case they popped. That morning we set our alarms a little early, snuck into her room and placed them over her bed. She was SOOO excited when she woke up!
Shop Her Party…
XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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