Good morning!!! I am sitting here at the makeshift breakfast room setup we have going on in our cabin sipping my second cup of coffee this morning. Trying to get up enough energy and motivation to rip out 1,100 square feet of carpet today. Fun! LOL. Thank goodness Abigail is here to help. John is going to start installing the new wood flooring this afternoon so I wanted to get a jumpstart on the prep work for him so we can get more done today. I will share lots and lots on IG and FB stories later today! (P.S. I just started sharing my IG stories onto FB stories too)
Several months ago I shared a “homemade” spaghetti sauce recipe on IG stories and I have been asked to re-share so many times that I decided to make it into a full blog post! I remember the first time my boyfriend John, who is Italian, peeked into my pantry and saw like a dozen jars of pre-made spaghetti sauce. I think he secretly died a little inside. LOL. Haha no but he didn’t take long AT ALL to take over my kitchen and make his own sauce for us for maybe he did. Hmmmm… 😉 It’s a quick and easy take on a traditional homemade Italian spaghetti sauce and it is sooooooo good. I love it because although a container of pre-portioned herbs and seasonings isn’t quite “true Italian”, it is easy and doable for a busy mom like me AND it is delicious! I can honestly say that I have not purchased another jar of pre-made sauce a single time in the last six months since he taught me this recipe. So here you go!

2-3 Jars of Peeled Tomatoes (this brand is the BEST!)
One Medium Sized Onion (SHOP MY FAVORITE DICER)
3-4 Clove of Garlic (SHOP MY FAVORITE MINCER)
One Cup of Spaghetti Seasoning (CLICK TO SHOP IT!)
(the one pictures is not longer available but this one is almost identical minus the sugar!)
Step One…
Dice the onion and mince the garlic. I use THIS CHOPPER for onions and THIS MINCER for the garlic.

Step Two…
Sautee the onions over medium heat for several minutes. Then add garlic for another 2-3 minutes.

Step Three…
Add cans of tomatoes, cooked onions and garlic and seasoning to a crockpot or stove pot.

Step Four…
Mix ingredients well and use a masher LIKE THIS to smash tomatoes slowly as it cooks. Cook over low-medium heat for at least 3-4 hours.

Step Five…
XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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