It’s all the rage! Funny thing is that I honestly had NO CLUE! About two months ago it was actually several of YOU wonderful social media follower friends who got me on this kick. If you follow me on IG stories, you may know that I get pretty intense migraines. I have gotten them since college and although I have found most of my main triggers, I still get plagued with anywhere from two to eight a month. And… They. Are. Miserable!!!! I figured out about a decade ago that birth control was not my friend. After getting off of it during my pregnancy with Addison and then trying to get back on it after she was born, I realized that being off of it alleviated them significantly. Several years ago I also FINALLY figured out that dehydration, strong cheese and dark chocolate are also huge triggers for me as well. And although knowing all of these things has helped me soooo much, they are still there. Just often enough to disrupt life and make me miserable.
About two years ago I went against my own “zero prescription medication rule” I set for myself after several horrible personal experiences (I chat a lot about those in “my weight loss story” post) and started taking the medication imitrex for my migraines. I was literally just so desperate for any relief and it was the only medication that allowed me to “function” again shortly after taking it. Yes, my migraines really are that bad. Soooo I started taking it. Anywhere from two to eight times a month and it worked like a charm. I absolutely hated the way it made me feel but anything on Earth seemed better than a debilitating migraine. All was well in my headache world until early November when a reaction to the medication led me to the ER. On a girls trip in the mountains nonetheless. Embarrassing!!!! So that led me back to the beginning and desperate once again for some migraine relief.
Every time I chat about my migraine struggles on IG Stories I get an absolute slew of suggestions!!! I have definitely tried quite a few over the last year but nothing has helped significantly enough to write home about or anything until you guys suggested celery juice…
Last November I kept hearing it again and again and again on my IG direct messages… drink celery juice… research “The Medical Medium” and his article on celery juice… So I did. I read the entire, very very lengthy article about celery juice by The Medical Medium (READ IT HERE) and decided it was worth a shot! I bought a juicer and some celery and got to juicing…
Before I chat about the benefits…. let’s chat about THE JUICER! I had actually first purchased a juicer at Walmart but before I even opened it, I was chatting with a friend and she told me to research a cold press juicer. A cold press juicer in short does not heat the vegetables leaving the nutrients intact. Therefore you get 100% of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and nutrients when you drink cold pressed juice. As a result of zero-heat extraction, cold press juices stay good for up to THREE DAYS! Perfect for my busy working mom life.
In my experience, using a cold press juicer does seem to require much more vegetables/fruits than a standard juicer to make the same quantity of juice. I think maybe the heat creates steam that then creates more “juice” plus a cold press juicer literally takes out the pulp and fully strains the fruits/vegetables leaving ZERO pulp in each glass. For my 14-16 oz, it takes two FULL BAGS of celery. Yep, crazy!!! Oh and I would definitely suggest using ORGANIC. My mom’s doctor advised her that celery is one of the most “pesticide filled” vegetables. Yuck!
One more thing… I am NOT a medical professional. Whatsoever. Always seek advice from a medical professional before starting any new health journey.
SO…after a rough on and off start to my celery juicing life in late November, I finally got super serious about it in early December and got on a roll of drinking 14-16 oz of celery juice on an empty stomach every single morning. It is not fun and it is not yummy and it is in fact very time consuming BUT I have seen HUGE benefits!!!
- ALMOST NO MIGRAINES!!!- Yep, I have only had maybe 2-3 hints of a migraine plus one full blown migraine in the last month and a half which is huge for me! And what I mean by “a hint of one” is that usually I will have light flashes or nausea with slight head pain first and then no matter what I do the migraine typically kicks in shortly thereafter but those 2-3 just went away!
- SIGNIFICANTLY LESS “BRAIN FOG”- One benefit that I was hoping for after reading the Medical Medium article was a decrease in brain fog. For some reason I have had TERRIBLE brain fog on and off for a while now. I thought it was caffeine so I cut back on that and then I thought it was sugar so I cut back on that… I have literally tried everything! But I swear that this has made it go away almost completely!
- MORE ENERGY- Although I have been a little sluggish the last week trying to fighting off the bug that everyone else has been getting, I have had MUCH more energy overall. I have started to feel like working out more often and I have needed/wanted less caffeine than I would typically feel like I needed to function each day.
- LESS APPETITE- If there was one thing I was most excited about it other than the migraine prevention, it would be that drinking celery juice has greatly decreased my appetite! In a good and healthy way of course. I have craved much less sugar and have done less snacking. I feel like it makes me full until at least lunchtime everyday between the 14-16oz of juice plus my coffee afterwards.
All in all I would personally definitely recommend giving celery juice a shot! Whether you suffer from medical issues or just want to feel better overall, I always feel like trying the natural route is always worth a try.
XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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