DISCLAIMER: This post is sponsored by Walmart. All opinions are my own. Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post! Post contains affiliate links (read my full disclosure).

Anyone else feel like Summer shouldn’t be almost coming to a close? Like maybe it never even began? With the kiddos home for almost six months now, in some ways I guess it feels like a forever long Summer. A half year of Summer. Yet without the anticipation of the end of the school year and the parties and awards ceremonies and Summer travel plans, it kind of feels like it never came at all. Yep, this year is just all kinds of confusion. Like when you wake up in the middle of the night and you don’t know where you are, who you are nor what day or week or month it could possibly be. Sounds about like all of us right now, am I right?!?
Well, ready or not we are just two and a half week aways from our back to school. Yep, August 19th is the big day for my two and they could not POSSIBLY be more thrilled. Hence the ear to ear grin Winnie gave me in these pictures every single time I told her that she would get to see her friends again soon. Whether yours are heading back to school or learning from home or homeschooling/private schooling, that time of year is almost here. I know it’s probably been just as difficult of a decision in every household as it has been here in my own. However, school in some way, shape or form starts soon and I can’t think of a better way to get the kiddos pumped than a little back to school shopping!
Once again, I gave Winnie my laptop set on Walmart.com and let me tell you… that girl carted some CUTE stuff!!! I of course had to narrow it down quite a bit, LOL, but with a final cart of just under $150, we got a TON! Sharing a few faves right here and I will share the rest at the bottom of this post and on IG stories next week!
As I always say, I LOVE shopping Walmart. I am always so impressed with their selection and of course everything is always so so affordable. Which is a HUGE plus come back to school time! And, almost everything in this post is eligible for FREE, 2-day shipping! So here’s a peek at Winnie’s online “shopping trip” and my cutie sporting her back to school FAVES!


XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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