Good Morning!!! Happy FRIYAYYYY!!! Sitting up here at the Addison’s Wonderland Event Space finishing up pricing a few things before my big “personal home” sale this morning! It’s always a mad house, which I am sooooo thankful for, so wish us luck. LOL. Oh and it’s Johns first time in the crazy mix of AW things so send some prayers his way while you are at it 😉
Needless to say I don’t have too much time this morning to chat away but I think pictures will speak louder than words on this one. My sweet friend Amy is opening a bridal store here in Monroe, Georgia and she reached out a few weeks ago about me coming by to possibly select my wedding dress from her new store… Everlasting Bridal. And of course with so much going on that I hadn’t even started thinking about dresses yet, I said YES!
So yesterday afternoon, my mom, Abigail, my girlies and I went by for a fun little afternoon of private champagne and charcuterie board try-ons. Her place is going to be sooooo amazing and we had so much fun! Addie has been so so excited about this day. Here are all of the ones I tried on yesterday.
AND… I think I found my dress!!! I say “think” because like I said, my mind hadn’t gone there just yet so I need to triple and quadruple check before I let her know for certain later today. Now I want to know what y’all think! Which do you like best and which one do you think I chose??? Oh and keep in mind, none of these were “my size” so the fit is off from what it would be. And no, my “cover photo” for this post isn’t necessarily what I chose either…









XOXO, The Future Mrs. Palazzo
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