If there were one post, one room, one person that defined Addison’s Wonderland, it would be this post, this room and this little girl of mine. You see, in 2007, I gave birth to a beautiful blue eyed blondie we named Addison AnnaBelle. I’d always dreamed for, prayed for and envisioned this little beauty and I was over the moon to be a girl momma. As I’m sure most of you have heard me a say a million times before, when Addison turned two and was ready for a big girl room, my bedding and decor search turned up zero, zip, nada. You know when you envision something so completely that absolutely NOTHING fits the bill? Well, nothing fit the bill for my little princess. Nothing.
So as the story goes, Addison’s Wonderland was born. I can still remember the day that I literally dreamed up this room. I honestly don’t know that I have told this story to anyone but my hubby. Nonetheless, my hubby and I were spending the night away celebrating our anniversary and I had this dream. I dreamed up patterns, color, ruffles and this over the top beautiful room. I remember talking my hubby’s head off the entire drive home. That was the day I started sketching her room. In July 2011, my dream finally became reality and not only was her room complete, but her room turned into my bedding company. Here’s my sweet Addie in my very first AW photo shoot in her first big girl room…
Well, that was (sniff) four years ago, and my Addison is growing up too too fast. They say that… that little ones grow up so fast. But they actually really really do. It’s been hitting me hard lately so I really super enjoyed doing this little photo shoot with my now seven year old Addie. She is the sweetest, most caring, patient and loving little girl. I am having a brag moment but she’s just such a sweetheart. Over the last year or so, she has also become a little mini-me. Although she looks like my sister’s twin, she is artistic, creative and detail oriented just like me. It blows my mind sometimes how artistic she is for a seven year old. I’ve shared some of her artwork on my Instagram page before and I will share more on my blog soon. Her room is all her and I love that her personality shines through in her room. Of course all of her bedding, headboard and window treatments are Addison’s Wonderland products and then I accessorized from one of my go-to shopping spots, HomeGoods!
I’ve been wanting to share her new room and when Joyfolie contacted me to share some of their gorgeous clothing, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to showcase it all! Addison is all girl and their line of beautifully detailed and exquisitely made clothing has been one of her favorites for several years now. We’ve sported everything from their fur boots to gold sequined leggings, gladiator sandals and hairpieces galore. This time around I was smitten with this soft pink lace dress and fur vest that is sweet yet elegant and girlie yet a little more grown up.
As if that isn’t amazing enough, I also got the opportunity to team up with Livie and Luca for the most adorable shoes ever. Many years ago, when I was doing lots and lots of bedding shoots, Livie and Luca sent us so many cute shoes to showcase in our shoots. And from that moment, I was obsessed. They are so well made and they hold up incredibly well. There aren’t too many shoes that hold up well enough to pass down but these have suited both girls perfectly!
So without further ado, meet Addison and her bedroom…
Wall Color: Potentially Purple by Sherwin Williams
Trim Color: White Dove by Benjamin Moore
Window Sash Color: Custom Mix of 1/2 Stunning Shade 1/2 Darkroom by Sherwin Williams
Ceiling Color: Minute Mauve by Sherwin Williams
Frames- HomeGoods
Lamp & Princess Hook- Hobby Lobby
Frames- PoppyTree Frames
Bedding, Cornice and Window Treatments- Addison’s Wonderland
For more on her dresser rehab DIY, read “My Garage Sale Masterpiece”
For more on our flooring, read “New White Oak Hardwood Flooring”
Oh and check out Joyfolie’s ADORABLE new Mila sneakers… SWOON!
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