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We Have A Magazine Spread!

We have a magazine spread. Eight FULL pages to be exact. I literally think I had to write that title to actually believe it. I know this may seem a little deja-vu-ish because of my post last month “Better Homes & Gardens- EEEKKKKK!” but it’s not Groundhog Day I promise 😉 That article was rather fabulous and exciting but this one is the real deal. The original reason our home was shot by BHG last January (Read the Full “Behind the Scenes” Post HERE) and the full article featuring all seven rooms. It’s the Spring 2017 issue of the Better Homes & Gardens publication COLOR Magazine (and NO, the cover is not our home… keep on scrolling and reading)…

I seriously cannot even believe it sometimes. Cannot believe that I have actually been able to fulfill so many of my bucket list career dreams. And with SOOO many exciting things to come. Cannot even believe that people actually read my blog and follow my story. Cannot even believe that this is actually my life! As much as I freaking LOVE what I do, I have to be honest and say that I struggle sometimes. I talk with Mark ALLLLLL the time about possibly feeling misunderstood or braggy or whatever. Blogging is this hard line for me between being real, sharing my struggles and also my accomplishments. Encouraging others to put yourself out there and take risks to pursue what you love by sharing my journey in doing the same. Putting MYSELF out there and sharing my talents in hopes of pursuing my dreams. I am sooooo passionate about going for your dreams and pushing women to stick your foot out there and succeed in whatever in the world it is that you want to do. And I hope and pray that that all resonates here in the pages of my blog.

 Every now and then I try and define SUCCESS in my head. I get comments from the sweetest family and friends and even you guys on social media saying “congrats on your success” and I always think “WHAT IS SUCCESS?” If it’s simply making a living, then I guess I was successful-ish by age 22. If it’s being in the pages of a magazine (which it’s NOT), then I guess yes, I am successful. But for me I really realized before my blog even “took off” that success is true happiness. A stay at home mom that soaks it up, the good and the bad, is mega successful. Because believe me I know that THAT is a hard job. So hard that I never truly felt like I mastered it back in the day when mine were babies. Success to me is LOVING what you do. Whatever it is that that may be.

I can finally say that I freaking LOVE what I do. I wake up in the morning excited to open up the back-end of my blog and write. I wake up excited to share with y’all everything that I am doing and everything that I love. I think you become successful when you SHINE. When you learn from your mistakes and gleam from your successes. When you are so passionate and confident about what it is that you love, that you aren’t afraid to share and to tell the world. That still to this day remains a struggle for me. Yet I know that in my industry you have to. I could never be in the pages of a magazine or behind a “successful” blog if I didn’t suck it up, close my eyes and hit publish.

So THANK YOU guys for always encouraging and reading and commenting. You probably don’t even know how much that means to me. So here’s a peek at our spread in the Spring 2017 issue of COLOR Magazine on newsstands THIS WEEK!



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XOXO, Brittany Hayes

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Hi, I'm  Brittany

Addison's Wonderland began in 2011 as everything that I dreamed of for my daughter's room. I wanted to create a dreamy wonderland for her full of colors, patterns and precious details. Once her room was complete, Addison's Wonderland was born.

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Historic Cottage Renovation

Good Morning!!! Coming to you this morning with one of my very favorite projects to date… the bathroom inside our historic cottage renovation. It is tiny AND the only bathroom inside this home but I was on a mission to still make it pack a big PUNCH! And where do I often start when I […]


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