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Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All!

Good morning friends!!! Yep, two days in a row for me! Today I am popping in to do a super fun blog post and the best part?? I literally barely had to do a thing! LOL! Mark took the reigns on this one and is answering all kinds of questions about me and us and life as a blogger husband. I took part in a similar blog hop a couple of years ago and I just LOVED reading all of the hubby’s answers! This time around I have joined nine of my closest blogger friends for a fun little blog hop celebrating Father’s Day. Make sure and pop over to see what all of the other hubbies had to say at the bottom of this post! Happy Reading!

Married to a Blogger: Mark Tells All!

Mark and I at 14 years old- 1996

  1. When did you first meet your wife and what was your first impression? Brittany and I actually met and started dating in the 8th grade. My first impression was “why does she like me”? She was totally out of my league.
  2. Which one of you more aggressively pursued the other? I had to fight off all the other guys for her so I would say me. (OMG he is such a liar! LOL! -Brittany) I was the one to say “will you go out with me?” in the back of Chemistry class so I’d say that’s pretty dang aggressive. LOL!
  3. What are the best and worst parts of your wife’s job as a blogger? The best part to me is that she inspires readers to do things that they would otherwise not have the confidence to do. She is pretty fearless with design and with her life. I love that she gets to share that with other people. The worst part is definitely the sometimes harsh and negative comments. It’s always so ridiculous to me.
  4. How do you explain what your wife does for a living to your friends and coworkers? I just tell them that she is That’s way easier than actually trying to explain it all.
  5. What is something we might not know about your wife? Brittany speaks French almost fluently and is actually an introvert.
  6. What does your wife do that drives you crazy? What would she say you do that drives her crazy? It drives me crazy when she won’t let me eat her food until she literally says I’m done even though I know she is already done. And then it drives her crazy that I steal her food all the time. It’s a serious issue in our marriage as you can see. LOL.
  7. If you had an extra $10,000 that you could do anything you wanted with (no saving, investing, or donating allowed!), what would you spend it on? Would your wife be on board? Traveling for sure! We live for traveling the world. I would choose Bora Bora next time.  I think we all know she would be down for that!
  8. You get home from work and your wife is giving you “the look”. What have you most likely done to get yourself into trouble? I definitely either left my dirty clothes on the floor or started the washing machine with 986 colors at the same time. Washing clothes is not my forte. I would rather build things than worry about dirty clothes.
  9. What’s your favorite trip you have taken with your wife/family? We have traveled a ton over the years but I would probably have to say the trip we are currently on in France. It has been pretty amazing so far.
  10. Do you have a “man cave” ? If so, where? I used to have a man cave.  Then she put a pink sofa in it.  Then she stole it and turned it into her office.  So no, I don’t have a man cave.  Sorry… sore subject. LOL.
  11. What’s one thing that your wife is super “picky”/particular about? Cleanliness and organization.  Whatever that is…?!?! I don’t have time for that!
  12. What’s your favorite dinner that your wife makes? What is your specialty? When my wife cooks I have a 50/50 chance of guessing what it is.  I’d have to go with her Ragu spaghetti. She has a lot of strengths but my baby can’t cook. Ha! My specialty would be risotto and pan fried sea bass with a soy reduction.
  13. Are you a DIY-er or more of a “hire the professional” type of guy? Definitely more of a DIY-er! We own several home construction related businesses so I kind of already do all of it for a living. Unless it is wallpaper or painting. I don’t touch those two!
  14. What do you think about your wife’s blogger friends? Who do you hear about the most? Have you met any of them? I have had the pleasure of meeting several of Brittany’s blogger buds and they are all super nice! I think they are mostly all part of this blog post group. I love that she has found close friends that she has so much in common with. I’ve even had the opportunity to hang out with some of the husbands too so that was fun. I got to talk to them about things that no other guy I know could understand.
  15. Has your wife ever done a project that you secretly didn’t love but you never told her?  I am pretty honest with my opinion on her projects and designs. Only a few times have I not liked something. I eventually told her to stop even “asking me” about decisions along the way because I wouldn’t like one part but then really like it once it was all put together.
  16. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Would your wife agree? I’d live somewhere tropical!  I do not think she would agree with that. She doesn’t really like hot weather. She has always wanted to live in Europe so I am sure that would be her choice.
  17. What’s your idea of the perfect Father’s Day? The perfect Father’s Day for me would be just to spend time with my family at home cooking and enjoying time with them. I am blessed with such wonderful girls in my life.

Now pop over and read what all of my other blogger bestie’s hubbies had to say as well…

Our very first date in 1996… Our wedding in 2001… Us in 2017!
P.S. Don’t forget to shop the HUGE ShopBop SALE!
XOXO, Brittany Hayes

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Hi, I'm  Brittany

Addison's Wonderland began in 2011 as everything that I dreamed of for my daughter's room. I wanted to create a dreamy wonderland for her full of colors, patterns and precious details. Once her room was complete, Addison's Wonderland was born.

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