Good morning!!! Happy happy happy Wednesday!!! Although it is only the second “real day” of the week since the girlies were out of school Monday, for some reason I feel like it should already be Friday! Monday was super busy between having the girlies at home, carting them around to playdates and then having back to back meetings about exciting things coming to my brick and mortar store… so I guess all of that added up to like five days worth of brain power. LOL. I know I keep hinting around about something Abigail and I have in the works and I PROMISE we will share soon! We are just getting the final things situated before we share. Let’s just say that it involves wine and fun and food and all the things. So. Freaking. Excited.
Last night I got to see my man and I have to admit that I am kind of already counting down the hours and the minutes until I get to see him again this weekend. As I have mentioned lots before, I have never ever even remotely liked cooking. Like whatsoever. But for some reason we have started this little tradition of cooking together almost every evening we are together and it has become something I so look forward to every week. We crank up the music and sip some wine and it’s so so so fun. He’s so darn cute involving the girls who both love to help. We have started kind of trading off choosing recipes and getting everything together. Since I am not really a meat eater, meat and veggies has never been my thing so I love trying fun recipes that are different and fun to cook. Plus, he’s Italian and you can never ever ever go wrong with pasta! We are actually looking into doing some cooking classes together too. So if you’re local and know of any, do tell! Last night was his recipe night and it’s one of my favorites!!! It’s like a garlic shrimp scampi linguine dish he has made a couple of times before. I will write everything down and share the recipe on IG stories soon!
My goodness… just like that three Summers have gone by and it is officially time to plan our FOURTH ANNUAL SUMMER ADVENTURE!!! Four years ago now I dreamed this crazy dream (chatted about it here… “Our Crazy Summers”) to travel the world every Summer with my girls. I cannot even tell y’all how AMAZING these Summers have been. Healing and refreshing and something I will cherish forever and ever and ever. Six solid weeks experiencing the world with the two little people I love most. Here is a peek back at our last three Summers…
Portland, Oregon 2017 Antibes, France 2018 Barcelona, Spain 2019
This Summer I decided to give Addie a little part of the planning and OF COURSE she chose to make it into a Harry Potter Summer! LOLOL. She has been dying to go to England and Scotland to see some filming spots and such and of course y’all know that I LOOOOVE the show Outlander so I agreed and got to planning! Last year I shared how I plan such a big trip (“How to Plan the Ultimate Long Summer Trip Adventure”) and on that blog post I mentioned that I always plan around selecting the first and last cities based on direct flight options. And since y’all know I LOOOOOVE France, I chose Paris, France as our first destination. Although I have been quite a few times and the girlies went two Summers ago, there is still lots I would like to do there and honestly I just love the city so so much. I want to bike through Versailles and tour the Catacombs… Sigh, counting down the days! From there, we will be taking a train to Bruges, Belgium. I visited Belgium a little over a decade ago now and freaking LOVED IT! Bruges was literally Disney World come to life. LOL. From the colorful buildings to the architecture and flowers, I have been daydreaming about going back ever since. From there, I am honestly not sure which city in Belgium to visit next! I was thinking Brussels but would LOVE any and all ideas! From the Brussels airport, we will then be flying into Edinburgh, Scotland. I have never been to Scotland and I am sooooo excited! I will definitely need all of your recommendations for that stop! After Edinburgh, we will be either training or flying into London. Once again, I visited London forever and a day ago but I plan to re-visit lots of the same spots to show my girlies. Addie of course also wants to see all things Harry Potter so I would love some ideas on that! And finally, we will be flying into Dublin, Ireland from London for our very last destination. I have never been and I am soooo excited! We have a week in every destination so I am up for staying in more than one spot for each city/area so I would love to hear any “countryside” recommendations as well!
Here’s a peek at our full travel map for Summer 2020!

First Stop… Paris, France
Although I have been to Paris quite a few times, I still need your recommendations! We have done all of the touristy stuff except for Versailles and the Catacombs which we will be doing this Summer so I would love to know what your faves in Paris have been! I have also never had good luck with restaurants there as crazy as that sounds. Would love some hidden gems and local secret stops!

Bruges, Belgium
I visited Bruges years and years ago but I don’t remember so share away with your recommendations!

Then… Brussels, Belgium???
I need your help!!! Should we do Brussels, Belgium? Or maybe just for a night or two? We have one week between Bruges and Edinburgh, Scotland so I need to know your Belgium faves!

Edinburgh, Scotland
We’ve never been to Scotland so I need all the help we can get! Plus, if you have any Harry Potter must sees, do tell!

London, England
Once again, I am going to need your recommendations! I visited London once many moons ago but would love to show the girlies the main sights plus Addie wants to see all things Harry Potter.

Dublin, Ireland
We’ve never been to Ireland so I need all the help we can get! I am also up for staying in the countryside some too!

Cannot WAIT to take you all along on our Summer travels once again!
XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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