Good afternoon! It’s that time of year again… and I cannot believe it! The HUGE Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is HERE! Truly seems like yesterday when Abigail and I loaded up several dressing rooms last Summer to try-on and narrow down all of our Nordstrom Anniversary Sale faves. For those new to the biggest sale of the year, every Summer Nordstrom takes all of their NEW Fall & Winter merchandise and marks it waaaay down before the season even begins! It’s basically kind of the opposite of a typical after season clearance sale. It is all NEW items that are just now hitting the shelves for the upcoming season. And the prices are AMAZING! This year the sale is a little more staggered than usual based on your card status before it fully opens to the pubic. SO… I am sharing the sale dates below along with a full round-up of ALL of my narrowed down faves!

XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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