Happy Friday! I’m so honored to be a part of this super fun and absolutely hilarious “hubby interview” blog hop by the super talented Claire with Claire Brody Designs! Scroll down after you read Mark’s interview and make sure to check out all of the talented bloggers at the bottom of this post! Mark was so sweet to take time out of his currently super crazy schedule to do this fun little interview. I must say that I did edit a tiny bit. When your hubby writes a lengthy description on how “sexy I am”, I hit deleeeeeete. Lol! He’s a total goofball but so talented and supportive of me and my hefty project list. After twenty years together and fourteen years of marriage, we’ve learned not to take life quite so seriously. Or apparently blog interviews either. So here’s Mark’s take on this little blogging world…
- How involved are you with Brittany’s blog? I am pretty much the brains (and brawn) behind the beauty so I am highly involved and make every important decision from day to day operations to business planning. Just as long as she tells me exactly what to do and when to do it….
- How often do you read the blog? Are you an avid reader or do you see enough at home? I actually find out more about the blog from my co-workers and friends before I even get a chance to read it. It’s pretty cool to hear how great your new wallpaper looks in the foyer that you had no idea was going in that day. Sometimes it’s kind of awkward but I love surprises and our house sure never gets old.
- How much time does Brittany spend on her blog? What are her hours like? A blog is a lot of work and it really never stops. Even our daughter laughs and says “Mommy is this picture going to be on the blog or what?” I find it best to talk about important things or in some cases I tend to get Wifey approval for certain things during the deep blogging sessions. I always get an “ok sure” although she has no clue what I’m saying.
- Are you the cheap manual labor or is there hired help for that? In other words, does Brittany use you for your handy work? I am the manual labor but in no means am I cheap… I typically charge her by the minute and am repaid with back rubs and steak dinners and other… things. If you know what I mean. The cool thing is that I take payment plans financed over time so she will be paying me back for eternity just for what I’ve done so far.
- Describe Brittany’s style. Brittany’s style is different. I love it and it shocks me when people call her different. I guess I have seen it and I am so used to it. But she pretty much gets all of her good taste, style and uniqueness from her better half. She’d never admit it though. I am rather stylish.
- Describe your style. My style is laid back with a nice Cabernet watching football. In other words sophisticated and elegant but manly at the same time.
- How often does your home change? I used to think it changed weekly but then I have come to realize that it changes 20 times every second. Basically I blink and there are new stripes on the ceiling.
- How many different sofas have you had since marrying Brittany? I believe about 9 in 14 years although we have purchased 2 thousand three hundred and fifty seven throw pillows to go along with the 9 sofas. I think I could already be retired from all of those dang pillows.
- How often do you offer decorating advice? Does she consider your opinion? Daily, and yes she pretends to consider it briefly but always goes with her gut which is usually right.
- What’s your favorite room in the house? Why? Definitely our kitchen since I love to cook and own a Kitchen & Bath company. The style is great from the countertops to the decorations.
- What does it really look like behind the camera? We are a complete mess but we love the mess. We try to have fun every day no matter what the circumstances. When you love what you do like we both do it makes it easier.
- What is a project that you hate but have never voiced (or maybe you have)? Well there was this one time when she wanted a porch swing installed… Let’s just say that it did not turn out great as we ended up in the ER and she had to get 3 staples in her head. I guess I voiced my dislike for this one a little too much.
- Do you know of Brittany’s blogger friends? If so, who’s your favorite? Brittany has not been blogging all that long and I haven’t had the chance to meet her blogger friends. Hopefully I will get the opportunity soon but I’m fearful that she is worried that I might embarrass her with my mad design skills.
- What’s your favorite aspect of Brittany being a blogger? Least favorite? Seeing the joy that it brings her on a day to day basis is my favorite aspect of Brittany blogging as I believe everyone should do something they love. My least favorite part would be that I don’t like anyone else looking at my beautiful wife or maybe the 45 thousand holes in our walls.
- What are your household chores? This one is easy. I don’t have any. I have an amazingly perfect wife. Unless you consider all of the drilling, painting, buying, hanging and furniture moving. That should definitely make up for my messes.
- What’s something about Brittany that her readers might not know (but she would be okay with you sharing)? My wife is EXTREMELY competitive. It doesn’t matter if we are playing scrabble, tic tac toe or tennis, she will fight to the end. The unfortunate thing is I am extremely competitive as well. Fortunately for me I married an amazing woman and since this is her only fault I am a pretty lucky guy.
- What does Brittany REALLY want for Valentine’s Day, and what are you getting her? I have been told over and over again not to buy roses or flowers for Valentines Day, although I don’t typically listen. This year I am surprising her with a weekend get away to never never land and then showering her with hundreds of flowers. Okay, just kidding on that last part.
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