It is 10:05pm and I am sitting on our sofa (well, our rental home’s sofa) typing this post. I always told myself I would never blog at night. That has always been “our time” for Mark and I to chat and connect and watch tv or just relax. Yet lately life has been so over the top crazy that I am eating my words. There just haven’t been enough hours in the day. Like not even close. The other day I was driving down the road, I don’t even remember where I was going, and I was just thinking about how hard life can be. It seems like we always have a face to wear or shoes to fill, places to go, people to see, deadlines to meet, bills to pay, housework to do, kids to carpool around, gifts to buy, papers to sign… I mean seriously, soooo many expectations. And then there’s the “most recent” addition to our daily lives… social media. You know that thing that no matter how not pretty enough, un-put together, disorganized or “behind on life” the feeds make you feel, we just cannot get enough. We literally cannot stop checking in. Whether it’s Facebook or Instagram, or SnapChat or Twitter. I look and I literally feel behind on life.
The last couple of days I think everything hit me at once and I am officially OVERWHELMED. Forgetting to sign folders, fogetting Winnie’s snack day at school… forgetting eeeeeeeverthing. Yes, me. These days I have determined that I am 100% behind on life. That may surprise you looking at my feed but social media really isn’t the place to post the mess. And the crazy. No one really does.
So I share it here. If you are new to my blog, you may be surprised to find that I share it all. Right here. The good, the bad and the ugly. If you’d like to read more, scroll through my “About Me” post category HERE and you’ll find everything from weight struggles to life struggles and everything in between. I like to break up the pretty and the “perfect” with some REAL LIFE.
So back to life… I have determined that I can handle the house renovation, blogging and the kiddos but everything else has gotten the boot… dinner, housework, laundry, paperwork, errands… Seriously ARGH. And then I was thinking that day in the car that yes, my life is crazy BUT my kids are healthy, Mark and I are healthy, I have a flexible schedule… I cannot even imagine adding all of that to the list. I give serious props to all of you out there dealing with so many things.
I remember several years ago when I was going through some really really difficult times I found myself looking at people so differently. I saw myself putting on a face every single day and I really started looking around thinking, you just never ever know what is going on behind that face. Inside of that heart. I detailed more in my post “Extending Grace“, but those times really changed me. Although they were years before I started blogging, I felt like God placed those obstacles and this blog in my life for a reason. God places everything in your life for a reason. I truly learned that then and have seen first hand how He places all of the pieces back together so perfectly. Different yet perfect in every single season of life.
And since you guys seemed to love my “Confessions” post several weeks ago, I decided to follow up with a peek inside our rental home and my reality these days. A peek at our mess that I cannot even keep up with. Because I hope it blesses you in recognizing that we are all a mess.
So here’s a peek inside real life and a look at how even in a great season of life, life is still life…
XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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