Happy Monday! Hope you had an oh so fabulous weekend! It is currently Saturday morning and I am sitting in the garage apartment all curled up amongst sheetrock dust and 2 x 4’s sipping my coffee watching John install doors. Is it weird that this is my happy place? Haha, progress and the opportunity to have another blank space to be creative is always a good thing in my book. The boys spaces are coming along. We aren’t at the “fun stage” yet so progress possibly seems a little slower on the social media and blog front. Not much to show y’all quite yet!
Before I get going on a big cabin update, I wanted to first say the absolute HUGEST (not a word) THANK YOUUUUUUU for all of the sweet blog comments on Friday’s wedding dress post! OMG y’all never cease to make me feel so good. Abigail texted me Friday reminding me that exactly two years ago Friday, I sat in a divorce mediation for 13 solid hours. THIRTEEN MISERABLEEEEEE HOURS. And exactly two years later I have to pinch myself on the daily that I have found true happiness and the most perfect man for me. So THANK YOU!
Today I am sharing a big little update on the progress of a bedroom inside my newly named cabin… Ever After Wonderland. A sweet IG follower suggested that name and I LOVE IT! I wanted to use “Johnny’s Hideaway” but every hashtag imaginable for that was taken. LOL. It’s kind of my favorite little dance spot in Atlanta plus of course John… Johnny 😉 SO… a couple of weeks ago now, Ab and I tackled our first wallpapered ceiling. ANDDDDD it was HARD. Really really hard. It killed our necks and arms of course but WE DID IT! I would kind of say overall it wasn’t AS HARD as we’d thought but our neck and arm pain was no joke. You definitely need two people!
Although I am FAR FROM FINISHED with this space, I wanted to give it a quick little styling sesh to show off this beautiful Zinus bed! I partnered with Zinus on my last cabin and I loved working with them so much that I reached out again about this cabin. I chose this canopy bed for it’s sleek, modern lines against the fun wallpaper and bold walls. Here is a peek at the progress!


Wallpaper / Bedding / Ottoman / Bench

Wallpaper- Dancing Diamond Wallpaper
Wall Color- Oval Room Blue by Farrow & Ball
XOXO, The Future Mrs. Palazzo
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