If you’ve been following our home restoration journey, you just might know exactly what I am referring to! And if so, you can continue on to the next paragraph 😉 If not, welcome to our journey! I have gotten so many new readers since my last “Our Historic Wonderland” post, and yes we are total dorks and did in fact name our home, that I thought I would give you a re-cap! To sum it all up… my husband Mark and I are crazy… self described home renovation junkies. We are on our fourth personal home and also flip homes as part of our company so we are a little obsessed with anything and everything home related. We can never ever pass up an amazing home project and are willing, ready and able to tackle just about whatever comes our way. And although we absolutely LOVE our current home, once we got word of a completely gutted 1906 charmer that had just gone on the market on our favorite street in town, we jumped at the chance to make our historic home dreams come true.
Last December, Mark and I purchased what some in town had dubbed the “big green monster”…
View the full exterior home tour here… “Our Historic Home Tour“
Otherwise known as our dream home. We have wanted to restore an older home for as long as I can remember. We almost purchased a much smaller home right down from this one over ten years ago but decided that was a bit out of our comfort zone at the time. Thank God. Oh and thanks Mom. Sometimes being married to someone equally as spontaneous and passionate can lead to not so great ideas.
So back to the “big green monster”. Although some of you absolutely love this color for some reason unbeknownst (I have never written that word. Ever. And it looks really strange written out) to Mark and I, we in fact do not personally like the green. Like really really want to change it. So next week is finally the day we have been waiting for for oh so long. Paint Day!
I had trouble deciding what to post today. SO much has changed and happened inside but the outside is literally getting painted early next week so I wanted to share my thoughts and ideas. But I STILL cannot wait to show you how much we have done inside! I just drank a Mountain Dew which is something I never ever ever do and so now I am wired. It was just sitting in the fridge calling my name and I needed something to motivate me to clean the house. So I drank it and decided to blog instead. Maybe not the best idea. Y’all are going to think I am nuts.
ANYWAYS, I am popping in to share my exterior paint ideas that we tested on the house several weeks ago. But first, back to things I do not like… this green color (in combo with the red brick) AND choosing exterior colors. Seriously so so hard. You’d think I would love it since I plan interior paint plans in my sleep but exteriors are tough! Plus, I don’t actually have too terribly much experience with them. Most of the homes we have done either didn’t need too much or were in planned communities with about four colors to choose from. Here is one home exterior that I did do a while back…
You can view all of the paint colors and see more images of this home here… “Home Sweet Home“
It turned out really beautiful BUT it was not easy, I did not like it AND it is NOT my forte! I was planning on sharing my inspiration images for our new house color BUT I learned last week at Haven that if you do not have written permission from the photographer, you can be sued. Like for real. SO, if you love me lots and would like to see them and share your feedback, they can be found on my Pinterest board… HERE. I just re-pinned them so they would be the first several that show up.
About three weeks ago while Addie was at the beach with a friend, Mark, Winnie and I picked up some sample quarts and had a little painting party…
Left- Ballet White by Benjamin Moore
2nd- Blue Gray by Farrow and Ball
3rd & 4th- Piedmont Gray by Benjamin Moore
5th- Brandon Beige by Benjamin Moore
And here’s what we’ve got!
Main House Color- Ballet White by Benjamin Moore
Bottom Trim Color- Blue Gray by Farrow and Ball
Middle Trim Color- Piedmont Gray by Benjamin Moore
Top Trim Color- Brandon Beige by Benjamin Moore
So here’s the synoposis… I know, I think, that I want to do the exterior white. But not stark white. I love the creaminess of Ballet White by Benjamin Moore but Mark wants to try something a wee bit whiter. From there, I either want to paint the trim and/or the sashes a darker color. We both love Piedmont Gray which is the middle color on the trim. Would LOVE to hear your feedback!!
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