Dress- Adorable Essentials
Winnie’s Little Girl Room Design Reveal!
More Fun Headboards I LOVE!
So I’d like to start this post with a ginormous apology. Yes, it has taken me for flippin’ EVER to post this! I have been sneak peekin’ and yapping away about Winter’s big girl room for so long that you have all probably about given up on me. But, I do have an excuse. Or two. Are you ready for number one? Hold your breath, it’s a good one… I have been too lazy to take off her bed rails. Yes, I am not even kidding you that I keep coming up with every excuse on why today is just not the best day to remove them, clean her room, vacuum, put away the video monitor, etc., etc., etc. Wow, huh? My second amazing excuse if that my brain is geared like an interior designer and not a blogger. I want to see the FINISHED product. If one accessory I have envisioned is not in place, the room is not finished, therefore it’s not ready to be shown off. Wow so now I sound even crazier. Alas, there’s hope… I am re-wiring myself and learning that blogging is about the journey and not the destination. It’s about the steps it took to get there rather than the finished product. So, get ready for the warp speed full home tour starting today. I will be blogging every single room, finished or unfinished, and will take you all on the journey to “completion”.
So without further ado, here’s her room BEFORE..
And then there’s the AFTER that’s now the BEFORE…
Winter’s Nursery
Click HERE to read more on Winter’s Nursery…
The Process
I was equally excited and sad about Winter’s “big girl” room. Of course having an amazing excuse to completely re-design a new room is like Christmas morning to me. However, it would be the first room I have designed for my girls that was not a part of my bedding company Addison’s Wonderland (Read more on AW HERE). Sniff sniff. I was excited though to design something new and fresh. I wanted to create something a touch out of my comfort zone. I wanted to create a somewhat neutral room. As you may know by now, my personal idea of creating a neutral space is little out of the new social media definition of neutral these days…. white on white on white. And even somewhat out of line with the true definition of neutral…
- gray; without hue; of zero chroma; achromatic.
- matching well with many or most other colors or shades, as white or beige.
Nonetheless, I wanted an “Addison’s Wonderland” neutral room. Soft colors, shades of gray and an overall light and airy color scheme. I’m often asked “how do you start a room”? The one and only answer to that question is to start with what you love. For this space, I fell in LOVE with this wallpaper…
From there, I took this wallpaper to the paint store to color match the background of the wallpaper. I found the closest match as Winter White by Benjamin Moore. How crazy is that?!? It just might have come down to several colors and I just might have decided on that one. It had NOTHING to do with the name though. LOL! Anyways, it’s a beautiful cool gray with slight blue undertones.
Next I found these ADORABLE headboards…
Instant love at first sight. Minus the birds which are easily removable. I first purchased one headboard. Then after it arrived and it sat in her room for several days, I decided that first of all, symmetry is my friend. It felt lonely off to the side of room. Furniture does have feelings you know! LOL. Plus, we have made it a little weekend treat for Addie to have mommy or daddy sleep with her or have a friend over to spend the night. And then poor little Winnie wouldn’t have room for anyone! So I bought another. Totally justified right?!? It was totally the symmetry. Shh… don’t tell Mark!
Next I found these beautiful pale pink duvet covers from Restoration Hardware and they’re the perfect “not so so pink” pink. Because that makes total sense right? I also purchased the matching standard shams and found these amazing ruffled curtain panels from there as well. That is officially the most matching I’ve ever done in my entire life. It is a pretty unique shade of pink and I was worried any other pink I found wouldn’t quite coordinate. It has an ever so slight touch of peach that I love which keeps it from being so baby pink. That is also the most I have ever said PINK in one paragraph. Ever.
And then there’s the flooring…
(Photo Credit: Paige Ewing Photography)
I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do a painted floor. So when we decided, I mean I decided, that I was sick and freaking tired of our dirty carpet, I knew that this was my chance to paint some hardwoods! I could chat forever about this fun project but if you’d like to read more, here’s the article link… “How to Paint Hardwood Floors”
Next up on the room re-do check-list was the refinishing of this campaign dresser. For this project I also took the wallpaper to the paint store and color matched a pink, blue and gold for the drawers. You can read more about this project here… “Campaign Dresser DIY Makeover”
(Photo Credit: Paige Ewing Photography)
Finally I have to share a tidbit about Winter’s outfit for this shoot…
You all know that I have this thing for little girl’s clothing. Okay, a HUGE thing. It all started when I worked for Matilda Jane years and years ago and I became ADDICTED to dressing my littles cute. But you see, I ended up with SO many prints and an obsession for anything and everything knit. I recently came across the company Adorable Essentials and have since been hooked. They have ALL of the solid knits from bottoms to tops to dresses in EVERY color imaginable that finish off all of our existing mis-match print pieces. Plus, they’re super affordable! It’s become our go-to quick and easy, comfy cozy clothing company. This dress is their Mid-Sleeved Ruffled Lap Dress in Seafoam. Sorry, you know that I always share what I love so I just had to add that little tidbit.
Fianlly, I finished off this room with a trip to Anthropologie, HomeGoods and a little online shopping! So here’s the final reveal! Keep on scrolling for ALL of the product source links…
More Fun Headboards I LOVE!
Winter’s Dress- Adorable Essentials
Flooring- Click HERE for Tutorial
Wall Color- Winter White by Benjamin Moore
Trim Color- Downy by Sherwin Williams
Ceiling Color- Minute Mauve by Sherwin Williams
Headboards- Twin Headboard
Window Shades- Home Depot
Paper Flowers- Fanciful Shop
XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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