
Children's Rooms

Our Art / Craft / Homework Room Mural Reveal!

Happy Thursday! Well for me I have about 2 hours and 21 minutes to go before Thursday officially begins and I am feeling a weeeee bit behind. Like I accomplished SO much and SO little this week all at the very same time. I went to write “Happy Hump Day” on Instagram tonight and I thought I haven’t gotten a second post up this week! I get like heart palpitations or something when I haven’t posted two weekdays in a row. Like I can’t even handle it I miss y’all so much.

I had a big stress-out-freak-out moment last night and decided to make myself one crazy long “before we leave for Oregon” to-do list. If you don’t know what “leave for Oregon” means READ HERE… I honestly haven’t had too many high stress moments in the last several years or so like I used to (chatted about that HERE) but I think the “didn’t even realize I was stressed about my health procedures” stress finally hit me hard. So I made a list and managed to successfully complete half of about one-eighth of that list today. Which basically means I wasn’t able to delete or Sharpie-through a single thing which basically means I accomplished nothing today. Whew I am weird. Please tell me I am not…

On that list, I even made of list of rooms and things to photograph and blog about and managed to get four posts worth of photography done. But no actual posts. Until right now. So I decided to go ahead and share one of those with you today! It’s the shortest one because it is almost 10pm and I am exhausted but it’s almost one of my favorite things ever. It’s a wallpaper mural. And it’s from Anthropologie. But I am SURE you are even more curious as to why I am exhausted than to actually see the amazingness… right?!? Okay probably not but I will tell you anyways. So at the lovely hour of 5am this morning Mark and I heard the shrillest screech/screaming sound ever. We both jolted out of bed and thought one of our girls was screaming. Like parent horror moment. My heart was racing out of my chest and I sprinted up the stairs to check. I burst into Winter’s room, waking her up, only to find out from Mark that the noise had actually come from the street right in front of our home. A car had slammed into a power pole. At 5am. So we were left wide awake, with a “ready to put puzzles together” four year old and no power. Not the funnest morning ever. Thankfully everyone was okay and our power was restored. My sleep was not however and I am worn out.

Today I am sharing our girl’s art / craft / homework space!  The entire upstairs was originally a huge master bedroom suite and this particular space was supposed to be a master media room but of course I changed every single bit of that.  Oh and I just got the CUTEST desks you have ever seen in your entire life for this room that I will share SOON!

SO let’s take a peek at our art room BEFORE (when we purchased our home), “DURING” (after renovations were complete) and TODAY!!!

Shop Our Art Room:




Room Details:

Wall Color- Alabaster by Sherwin Williams

Door Color- Doeskin by Sherwin Williams

Flooring- Shaw Floors’ Castlewood Oak in Tapestry

Shop Our Art Room:

XOXO, Brittany Hayes

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Hi, I'm  Brittany

Addison's Wonderland began in 2011 as everything that I dreamed of for my daughter's room. I wanted to create a dreamy wonderland for her full of colors, patterns and precious details. Once her room was complete, Addison's Wonderland was born.

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Historic Cottage Renovation

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