This is me being vulnerable. That is the craziest thing you have ever heard and probably the craziest thing I have ever said but for real, me sharing my “art” (our home) with y’all lately in it’s half-finished state almost kills me. Every single time. Like a writer sharing their new novel unedited and half complete.
I am in the most wonderful Women’s Bible Study Group every Thursday evening with all of my sweetest friends from church, we call it our BS Group ;-)… ANYWAYS, we have been digging deep into vulnerability over the last month or so. The book I shared in my “Currently Loving” post several weeks ago, Daring Greatly, has been our main read and topic of discussion lately. I diverge BUT I have found lately that I just LOVE deep connections like I talked about in my post yesterday. Instead of the surface “how are you’s” and the “what’s new”, I crave the real and the raw. SO every Thursday night we get really real and really raw and talk things like vulnerability and we even cry and stuff 🙂 I love it. Love it. Love it. Love it.
Mark says I get distracted really easily… Must be the creative in me… Well that’s my excuse at least. So ANWAYS, it has been absolutely fascinating to me to hear what being vulnerable means to each one of us. What would be painstaking difficult for me is like yeah whatever to some and then things I wouldn’t think twice about are HUGE for some people. Like when you maybe think someone is being brave by doing something you would never ever do and then you are “being brave” and never even realizing it! You see for me, I can chat about me being heavy or me being down or share me in a swimsuit on my blog and it literally does not even phase me. And then you tell me you want to see my half finished foyer and I freak.
So here’s a peek at our half-finished/newly painted/newly wallpapered powder blue foyer update! ;-)…
Oh wait first, let’s see it BEFORE:
And then Post-Construction BEFORE:
Beaded Chandelier / Iron Chandelier
Shop Our Foyer/Dining/Living Rooms (some link to similar items):
Cute Desk Items- Available in my PaintedFoxHome Collection re-launching SOON!
When Mark is being silly and thinks I won’t actually post this on my blog…
I actually took this picture while they were greeting daddy after work just to test lighting but then it turned out so cute! Too bad the focus is a little off…
Cloud Wallpaper / Rug / Chandelier / Wingback Parsons Chair / Parsons Chairs
Room Details:
Stair Railing/Balusters- House of Forgings
Foyer Walls- 1/2 Stardew & 1/2 Uncertain Gray by Sherwin Williams
Trim- Alabaster by Sherwin Williams
Foyer Window Sashes- Inkwell by Sherwin Williams
Flooring Stain- Read “They Nailed It… Or Maybe Stained“
XOXO, Brittany Hayes
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